
Find jobs in Kitas that hire fast, respect you, and have clear terms

Become the right person for the right Kita

Benefits of our platform

Our platform urges Kitas to hire fast and stick to the job terms they published

Ability to check Kitas’ salaries, atmosphere, and reputation in proven reviews from other applicants and workers

Online communication when possible: passing interviews, exchanging documentation, and scheduling trial days

Platform designed around real people’s experience

We have talked to Kita educators, apprentices, parents, and managers to learn about their challenges, needs, and preferences, and solved them in the new platform.

Leverage your personalized search.

Our team

We are an international team of product developers, driven to change the rules of the game in the Kita industry, inspired by the experiences of the underserved childcare professionals.

Vitalina Moisieienko

Head of Product

Veronika Lymar

Communications Manager

Andrew Poberezhniuk



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Carejobs is a platform that empowers
childcare specialists to get matched with
workplaces they deserve

Carejobs is a platform that empowers
childcare specialists to get matched with workplaces they deserve

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